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Stress Myocardial Perfusion Imaging

Please read these instructions carefully before your Myocardial Perfusion Imaging (Cardiac Stress Test). Following these guidelines will help ensure accurate results and your safety during the procedure.

  •  This test helps to diagnose & evaluate narrowed coronary artery that supplies the heart muscle by imaging the heart muscle blood supply during stress to determine area of low blood supply.
  •  Cardiac stress is performed either by walking or by special medicine under cardiologist supervision. 
  • Certain anti-hypertensive & cardiac medications have to be STOPPED one or two days before appointment, as in the illustrated instruction paper.
  • Stop caffeine containing products 24 hours before appointment (coffee, tea, chocolates, energy drinks).
  • Fasting (except water) is required 4-6 hours before the appointment.  
  • Bring all medications including those for diabetes (insulin & tablets)
  • Take a shower.  Men should shave their chest hair.
  • Wear comfortable (front opening) clothing and shoes for exercise. Do not wear jewelry. 
  • Diabetic patient: (In addition to the above)
  • Don’t take your insulin or oral diabetic pills.
  • Inpatient: Insert a new i.v canula, do a new ECG and bring patient file as well.
  • Stress test is performed either by treadmill or by injecting stress medicine. Patient will wait for 1-2 h before imaging, during which a meal will be provided.
  • The study lasts 3-4 hours.
  • Please arrive 30 min before to prepare for the test.
  • Provide your civil I.D.
  • Pay the fee before appointment (for non-Kuwaitis)
  • Declare possible pregnancy or breastfeeding.
  • Delayed arrival more than 30 min will be subjected to cancellation and rescheduling.
  • In case of unavailability of radioactive materials, the study will be rescheduled.
  • To cancel or postpone your appointment please call at least one day before the study. 
  • Priority is for urgent, wards cases & elderly.
  • The radiation exposure is small & safe. 
  • No specific restrictions in being close to other people.
  • After the test, you can resume your daily activity with drinking of fluid during the day.