Prof. Majid Alfadhel

Prof. Majid Alfadhel

Chairman of Genetics and Precision Medicine Department (GPM) - Director of Medical Genomic Research Lab - Deputy Executive Director of King Abdullah International Medical Research Centre

Prof. Alfadhel is currently Deputy Executive Director of King Abdullah International Medical Research Centre (KAIMRC), Chairman of Genetics and Precision Medicine department at King Abdulaziz Medical City, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Director of Medical Genomic lab at King Abdullah International Medical Research Centre (KAIMRC), and Professor of Pediatrics and Genetics at King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences (KSAU-HS).
Additionally, he is founder and editor in chief of Journal of Biochemical and Clinical Genetics, Editorial board member of International Journal of Health Sciences, Editorial board member of the Journal of Nature and Science of Medicine (JNSM), Editorial board member of BMC Medical Genomics and Journal of Pediatric Genetics. Authors of 3 books and one chapter in a book and editorial board member of several international journals. Has more than 200 publications in high impact factor journals and more than 200 abstracts. He is supervisor and teachers for plenty of fellows, residents and medical students.
He was successful in contribution in discovery of 70 novel genes specifically for disorders involving the brain. In addition, he discovered a syndrome with dysmorphic features, intellectual disability, and speech delay, which named Alfadhel syndrome by the OMIM database, the official website for all genetic disorders.
Prof. Alfadhel’s foresight and passion for innovation, earned him an award for inventing a new application in the Apple store and Goggle play for the treatment of inborn errors of metabolism (IEM Drugs).